
The book #AnEducatedYou is a collection of thoughts and reflections by Feb Idahosa. Written with contributions from some of the brightest minds and thinkers of this generation, the collection speaks to the next generation and encourages them to step up to lead.

The book is a call to action for young people to become a more intelligent version of themselves. Becoming more intelligent, or becoming an educated person is important because the mantle of leadership is about to fall on a new generation; a generation that must be prepared to lead the nation.

Nigeria can easily tower amongst the leading African countries as well as become a leader on the world stage on one condition: it must be led by the New Nigerian. The New Nigerian is one who thinks and acts differently from the generations that have previously led the country. ‎

The book is full of wisdom and wit from Nigerians like Leke Alder, Tari Ekiyor, Steve Harris, Niyi Adesanya, and also contains a speech with a call to creativity from Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osibanjo.
